Thursday, 4 November 2010

Media Blog- NO

In our group of seven we created a short clip called 'NO'. Our setting was a one on one conversation set in a police station where one actress is accusing the other of a crime. We used a range of shots, from over the shoulder, where the camera was used behind one charater showing the shoulder of this person and the face of the other. We also used a shot called a mid shot, which was just foccused on the two main characters at the same time. We the did a few close ups of the characters which focused on their faces much clearer. We started our film off with a long shot of the interviewer walking in. We changed from different shots and movements, whilst editing our many clips we took on the video camera on an editing programme. Here we cropped and saved small amounts of our different videos and put the best parts all into one. We also edited the colour of the video so it looked much more proffessional. When we videod our film, our group of seven was orignally spilt into two groups. We both had different ideas and helped record and act them both together. When we played the two videos back, we found that one was much better than the other one so we all went into one group so make the main one much better. Overall, we are glad we did this because we are very happy with our final outcome. At the end of our short video, the last word that is said is "no", therefore, we decided to call it this and at the very end the word "NO" appears which ends our video. Our short video is just over 1 mintute. It includes lots of diegetic sounds in it as this is the main characters speaking, we do not have any non-diegetic sounds as no sound like background music was played. If we did this work again, a few things we change to make it better would be to use a camera stand instead of someone holding it. This would make the shots become much more steadier and clearer. Saying this though, we got the best possible shots we could and put them together. Something else we would do to improve our work next time, would be to research further into camera shots so we have lots of range of them throughout. Overall, we are very proud of our final work and liked using all the different equipment to make it. It was very exciting but very challenging at the same time, and we overcome many different things throughout as we had to re-record some of our work over.

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